Acne Cleared Up in Just a Few Weeks

Here’s how my 19 yr old recently went from pale and pimply to clear and glowing!
My family has been more serious about eating a whole foods plant-based diet the past few weeks. We’ve been drinking many green smoothies and fresh green juices. The past few days I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon happening with my 19 year old. Ever since they hit puberty, they’ve had acne problems and had eczema since they were 1 year old. Their skin is usually very pale and anaemic looking. Their face is clear – from acne and the eczema around the chin, which is […]

How to Keep Motivated to Live a Healthy Life

Here’s a tip on feeding your brain to change your life!
Do you ever read something or watch something that really inspires you to change and you start out then get off track? Umm… Yeah!!! I think we all have in one way or another. It might be about food, exercise, relationships, spiritual growth or finances, but it seems unless we find ways to keep ourselves motivated, we get easily side-tracked.

I have found in the past, and am really putting it into practice right now, the art of continually feeding my brain with info on the areas I need to […]

Movie Review – Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Do you need to give your health a super-duper kick-start?
I’ve recently been coming across a lot of testimonials of people who have used juice fasting to literally save their own lives from disease and obesity.

My family has been having fun borrowing movies from our Chiropractor’s office. He has a great selection of informative and inspiring books and DVDs on health related topics. The latest one we watched is called ‘Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead’. It starts out with a man named Joe Cross from Australia travelling across the United States while going on a juice fast. He is overweight […]

How the Chiropractor Cured My PMS

Did you know that chiropractic adjustments could help more than your back?

I’ve only been going for a few weeks and not only is my chronic back and hip pain and stiffness gone already, but many other symptoms are gone too!

I have had back issues for years and a few really bad episodes where I couldn’t even walk because of the pain. I have been to around 5 different chiropractors, but have never met one quite like Dr Ali Amiri. More on him later!

My usual habit is to continue going to the chiropractor only until my pain symptoms have gone. I […]

Walking – Fitness Made Easy

Do you want to get fit without having to join a gym or do complicated aerobics routines?
Walking is something everyone at almost every fitness level can do. (Excluding those in wheelchairs and without legs, of course) It is a very measurable activity that has many benefits. You don’t need any special equipment except a decent pair of shoes, so it fits in every budget!

Walking is very therapeutic for the soul if you can find somewhere that has pretty or interesting views. I love walking with other people. It’s a great way to connect, talk and get exercise at the […]

Weight Loss Vs Health – Vanity Vs Vitality

Do you want to break out of the obsession with thinness trap that our society is stuck in? How about getting addicted to being healthy instead?
Our obsession with looking thin continually leads us to do very unhealthy things! We are programmed that we must look a certain way to be acceptable no matter the cost! The cost is great! Our health and our pocketbook suffer from the crazy fads we try over and over to no good result.

I know some people who are very fit and healthy that don’t have the stereotypical ‘model body’ and I know many slim […]

Losing Weight – Don’t Bite off More Than You Can Chew

Do you get overwhelmed when thinking about the amount of weight you want to lose? If it seems like a mountain too hard to climb, then this tip is for you!
Break down the amount you want to lose into ‘bite-sized’ chunks. If you need to lose 50 lbs and that seems too hard, then make a goal to lose 5 lbs. 5 lbs is doable for anyone! Make the goal of losing 5 lbs measurable and attainable to you.

If you have a goal of losing 5 lbs in one month and have a healthy plan for doing that, then […]

Blenders – Having the Right Tool for the Job

Are your green smoothies kind of chunky or chewy? Do you love the taste of raspberries in your smoothies, but hate the seeds?
Having the right blender can make a world of difference! I have been making shakes, smoothies and nut-milks for years. I’ve made a lot of raw desserts with cashews and other things that are hard to blend. Up until yesterday I’ve been using regular blenders and am often frustrated with the results.

After scraping down the sides, blending for what seems forever, and still not always happy with the end texture with my old blender, yesterday my darling […]

Is Gluten-Free Really Healthier?

Are you or someone you know eating gluten-free? Please keep reading.
You may have noticed the labelling on many products nowadays says ‘Gluten-Free’. It kind of reminds me of the days when food companies were sticking ‘low-fat’ on things to make people think they were somehow healthier! It didn’t matter if it was a bag of candies that of course had no fat, but were nothing but sugar, chemicals and food dyes!

I was the baker at a lovely little gluten-free bakery in Nanaimo called ‘The Blue Jewel Bakery and Cafe’. It is unfortunately closed now. I know a lot about […]

Should You Sue Yourself for Damages?

Do you need to learn to treat yourself better?
Here’s something to think about:

Cleaning Company Analogy:

Imagine you hired a cleaning company to clean your home while you were away on holidays so you’d have a nice clean place to come home to and:

Instead of floor cleaner, they spread a bunch of food all over the floor then left all the doors and windows open and the smell attracted all kinds of vermin
There is an infestation of ants, cockroaches and rats running wild everywhere and leaving behind all their nests and faeces. The animals have destroyed much of your furniture and […]